Be good to yourself so you can be good for others

Be good to yourself so you can be good for others

by Sherri T.
These were the wise words of the dear mother of Ruth C. who sent the following lovely tribute: “My mom would have been the last person to think about herself before others. But in her own way, she must have understood the importance of being good to yourself so that you can be good for others.”

Treasure your friendships

Treasure your friendships

by Sherri T.
Rose likely had no idea back then just how meaningful her words actually were. She was speaking about her own life. She felt good when she spent time with friends. They provided vital support when needed. She always felt safe because she knew they were nearby.

Be the bigger person

Be the bigger person

by Sherri T.
These were the words of Adelyn, mother of friend Marjie. It so happens that Adelyn was a highly-accomplished woman among a male-dominated legal profession. You might say she was a giant in her field. But that was not what she meant by “be the bigger person.”

Keep your wits about you

Keep your wits about you

by Sherri T.
These are not the words of my mother. They are the words of my father whom I recall this week as Remembrance Day tributes get under way. My dad was a hero who fought for our country in the Second World War.

Close the loop

Close the loop

Close the loop Sherri T. Now that Hallowe’en is done, it makes sense to ask:  Have you ever been ghosted? As in: you’re in contact with someone, you have a great conversation and then, with no warning, the trail goes cold.  Poof.  They’re gone. This happened recently...