Aug 16, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
We can all think of queries we thought were probably not worth pursuing. We often hesitate, for example, to inquire about a seat change, reschedule a hard-to-get appointment or ask for a refund on a returned item. Sometimes to our great surprise, speaking up actually works.
Aug 9, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
“When your grandmother is your grandfather” was Sadie’s way of invoking the clever mother rule. It typically is used as a way to give a strong message without ever saying it. The clever mother rule is an indirect way of getting your kids to do what you want.
Aug 2, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
I wish these had been the words of my mother. At some point along the way, I wish that she had passed along this sage advice. Maybe I would have listened (or maybe not). Unfortunately, I learned this important lesson the hard way.
Jul 26, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
I embarked upon the Words of Our Mothers (WOOM) journey in memory of my mother who left this world too soon. She still had so much more to do and so much more to teach us. I wanted to capture her wisdom to ensure that it is passed to the next generation.
Jul 19, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
Dear friend Ricki shared these wise words. They represent the wisdom of her treasured friend Millie. Little did Millie know at the time that her words were so profound. Turns out that friendships are being understood as far more important than we ever knew.
Jul 12, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
These were the wise words of Frida, mother of dear friend Carol. How does Frida know this? Maybe life experience counts for something. Frida would no doubt have agreed with the wise words of Ray, mother of dear friend Michelle: “I have been your age. You have never been mine.”