To all the moms I’ve loved before

Sherri T.


I created Words of Our Mothers (WOOM) to pay tribute to my mother Bella. To remember her words and her influence on our lives and to ensure that her wisdom was never lost. From generation to generation.

Not that I always (read “hardly ever”) listened to her advice when she said it. Not that I ever appreciated her constant comments (read “nagging”).

But I always knew that she was looking out for me. And I now appreciate her never-ending “recommendations.” Sometimes I even hear myself using her words – the ones I vowed that I would never repeat. 

WOOM is a way to thank my mother for all her concern. She taught me some less important things (eat your pie with a fork) and some very important things. Be a good person and walk tall. 

I realized while engaging in this labor of love that there are many other mothers whom I must thank as well. Their wisdom is equally valuable.

To Belle for saying choose nice. You don’t always have a choice, but if you do……

To Perla for being the shining example of nice. The most gentle person who was strong as a rock.

To Ruth who lived the meaning of grace and gracious. 

To Sema for teaching us about resilience under the most difficult of life circumstances.

To Sarah who demonstrates every day both strength and vitality.

 To Libby for raising such an amazing daughter who has talent, integrity and compassion.

To Doris who would say “It would be NICE….” because she knew it was the way to get her children to do things. The kid-glove knockout punch.

To the mothers I never knew but whose words now guide me:

To Rose who confirms everything’s good so that her kids won’t worry.

To Min who wisely advised us that we can’t dance at every wedding.

To Ray who put everything in perspective by saying: “I have been your age. You have never been mine.”

To Bella and all the moms I have loved before (and now): 

Happy Mother’s Day. Most of you are no longer here. But your wise words and actions will stay with us forever.