Aug 30, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
Doreen’s wise words were significant in many ways. Her words relayed many layers of meaning. They helped build character, they acted as guideposts and they provided quiet, but serious, warning.
Aug 23, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
My colleague Sheila is an accomplished physician who specializes in a complex area of pediatric health. Imagine my disbelief when she told me the most important advice she learned from her mother: “Get off your butt.”
Aug 16, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
We can all think of queries we thought were probably not worth pursuing. We often hesitate, for example, to inquire about a seat change, reschedule a hard-to-get appointment or ask for a refund on a returned item. Sometimes to our great surprise, speaking up actually works.
Aug 9, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
“When your grandmother is your grandfather” was Sadie’s way of invoking the clever mother rule. It typically is used as a way to give a strong message without ever saying it. The clever mother rule is an indirect way of getting your kids to do what you want.
Aug 2, 2020 | blogs
by Sherri T.
I wish these had been the words of my mother. At some point along the way, I wish that she had passed along this sage advice. Maybe I would have listened (or maybe not). Unfortunately, I learned this important lesson the hard way.