Every dog has its day

Sherri T.

,Formally and officially, 2020 is the Year of the Rat.  Informally and unofficially, it appears to be the Year of the Dog.  In fact, it does seem that dogs are having their day.  They are the subject of popular books, movies and even medical studies.

An emerging volume of health research is confirming what many of us already know from experience.  Spending time with an affectionate pet makes us feel better.  Contact with a compassionate animal has been found to significantly improve our mental wellbeing and physical health as well as reduce stress and anxiety.

The evidence makes evident that dogs can certainly make our day.  But what does it mean when one says that they will have their day?

“Every dog has its day” were the wise words of Benita, mother of dear friend Cheryl.  Benita would say these words when she wanted to provide encouragement to her daughters. 

At some point along the way, every person will get a chance to succeed.  Every person will have an opportunity to shine.  Every person will get to star in the movie of life.  It may be the 15 minutes of fame to which Andy Warhol referred or the glow of good fortune that shines brightly for some time.  Either way, your day will come.

The wise words “every dog has its day” can be summed up briefly in four letters:  


Turns out, many of our mothers had different ways of conveying messages of hope.  Ray, mother of dear friend Michelle, would say: “Tomorrow is a new day.”  Dear friend Lyse encourages her daughters with the words “this too shall pass.” 

Our mothers and friends are wise to pass along these positive messages.  Hope is the first vital step in cope.

Yet it’s interesting that these same words can also convey a different meaning.  They have been used to imply that, one day, the wrongs that have been done to you will be righted in some way.

In this case, “every dog has its day” means “hang in there.”  Things will turn in your favor.  You will, in future, have good reason to smile.  It’s never too soon to start.