Any honest work is honorable work

Sherri T.

These were the wise words of Doreen, the mother of dear friend Judy.

Doreen’s words are profoundly significant, especially in today’s world in which people are judged largely by their position and their pay cheque. The higher the pay scale, the greater the stature of that person and the more respect they appear to receive.

Doreen was teaching her children a vital lesson related to respect. Anyone who is engaged in honest work deserves respect – no matter the job, no matter the position, no matter the pay cheque.

My own mother never really talked about honorable work. But she did show us through her actions what that meant. 

I think back to the days when she tried to establish a number of home businesses. While she was a top-notch student, she had no formal education or training. (Who could afford formal education?) Yet she had a long list of skills and abilities that she tapped to create her own opportunities for self-employment. 

Most of Mom’s “businesses” would be considered failures by any traditional measure or standard. They were short-lived and not very lucrative. But they did bring in small amounts of cash every week.

Perhaps most important, she taught us the value of self-reliance and hard work. She taught us the meaning of honest work. And she certainly taught us the meaning of honorable work – in everything she did for our family.

Little did Doreen know back then that her profound words about respect would be the subject of a burgeoning literature today. Little did she know back then that Aretha and her millions of R-E-S-P-E-C-T fans would agree.

Volumes of research have found that respect enables people to build trust. It helps in the creation and rebuilding of relationships. People who feel respected are more likely to contribute positively to their communities. Respect plays a fundamental role in resolving conflicts, whether within families or between nations.

While Doreen’s wise words were meant only for her children, they are a powerful message to us all. Respect comprises the foundation of well-being for both individuals and nations.

The equation has three simple parts: Respect yourself. Respect each other. Heal the world.