Life is like a box of chocolates

Sherri T.

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” 

These are the words of a famous movie mom. The mother of Forrest Gump said them often and this wisdom served him well throughout his colorful and turbulent life.

In a nutshell, or a chocolate shell as the case may be, what did she mean?

Forrest’s mom was telling him that life is unpredictable. The best laid plans may be not so well laid.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Some days will work out well while others will not – so be prepared for the unexpected and don’t be surprised. And go with the flow.

You may end up, for example, with the coconut filling. Not the greatest result.

But then again, it could be worse. It could have been creamy goop that you don’t recognize by sight or by taste. 

Or equally disappointing: Turkish delight.

So the issue is not whether you will get one of these. You will. The question is: What do you do with it? How do you turn lemons into lemonade?

Option #1: After the shock and letdown of the first bite, try to sneak it back into the box. Deny that you made that choice. Sweep it under the rug – or under the lid – as though it never happened.

Option #2: Take a bite, smile as though you meant to make that choice, and offer the remainder to your friend. What you loathe someone else might love.

Option #3: Take the much-anticipated bite, feel the disappointment and then deal with the blow.  Simply. Directly. Just toss it out. Angrily ask why life is so unfair. Or at least so unfair to you. Then move on.

Perhaps Forrest’s mother was trying to teach him the most important life lesson of all.

One day, you will pick the chocolate with the crunchy almond pieces. One day, amidst all the disappointments, things will work out in your favor. One day, your dreams will come true.

So don’t let the syrups and the creams get you down. Stay in the game. And never give up.

Now that’s a pretty sweet life lesson.