Tribute to my mother

by Aimée L.

When I say my Mom is my best friend, I mean that in every sense. We joke that I’m her “apple,” as in the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We say that because I admire and adore her so insanely much, I try to emulate her in every way. She’s the most kind-hearted, level headed, generous, creative, convivial and loving person I’ve ever met, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have her as my Mom. She’s endlessly supportive and never-endingly guiding. She has always encouraged me in every way to go after my dreams, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant or life-changing and enormous. As my best friend, she’s been there to help me attain and achieve everything I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment about. She has always made it known that, no matter what, she is there with me, every step of the way. My Mom is the most lighthearted human on earth, and has taught me to greet each day with grace, gratitude, gusto and always a dash of spontaneity for fun and good measure.